BFRDP Projects

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Project Reports

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"Growing Our Own": A New Sonoran Desert Farmers Incubator Program" pilots a community-based collaborative approach to increasing the number and capacity of beginning farmers in Ajo, Arizona. [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $299,237
Institution: Ajo Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Project Director: Katarina Sajovec Altshul (
Funding Opportunity: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
“Growing Our Own: A New Sonoran Desert Farmers Incubator Program”...

“Supportive, Small Scale, Basic Livestock, Financial Skills and Risk Management Training for Beginning Veteran Farmers Program” [Final Report]

Award Amount: $712,500
Project Director: Michael O'Gorman (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
FVC facilitates a national peer network that develops and provides...

21st Century Management: Enhancing Educational Programming for Beginning Women Farmers [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $720,989
Institution: UVM Extension
Project Director: Mary Peabody (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
As the numbers of beginning farm and ranch women has...

A Beginning Farmers Program for Socially Disadvantaged and Limited Resource Producers in Arkansas [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Project Director: Henry English (
Funding Opportunity: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
October 2022 - September 2023 The UAPB...

A Collaborative Training Approach for Kentucky's Military Veterans, Underserved and Rural Beginning Farmers [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: UK - CES/Ag Programs
Project Director: Craig Wood (
Funding Opportunity: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 2021 Awards
The goal for this project is to bring military veterans...

A Collective Approach to Providing Resources, Technology and Assistance to Beginning Farmers [Final Report]

Award Amount: $711,213
Institution: Alabama Extension/Auburn University
Project Director: Ayanava Majumdar (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The Alabama Beginning Farms (ABF) Program at Auburn University was initiated...

A Comprehensive Approach to Growing Successful Beginning Meat Producers [Final Report]

Award Amount: $599,020
Institution: NC State University College of Animal and Life Sciences
Project Director: Sarah Blacklin (
Funding Opportunity: 2018 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The goal of the project is to increase the number...

A comprehensive new farmer training program for Maine [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $709,713
Institution: Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association
Project Director: Ryan Dennett (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Success in training farmers is the hallmark of the Maine...

A Pathway to Livestock Farming: Providing Access to Land and A Guiding Hand [Final Report]

Award Amount: $219,274
Institution: Southwest Badger Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc
Project Director: WENDY WARREN (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The project develops opportunities to start farming on rented land with...

Accelerating Farmland Access in Vermont [Final Report]

Award Amount: $546,386
Institution: Vermont Housing & Conservation Board
Project Director: Ela Chapin (
Funding Opportunity: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
VHCB’s Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program, the Intervale Center, and...

Access to Land for New England`s Beginning Farmers: Phase 2 [Final Report]

Award Amount: $641,222
Institution: Land For Good
Project Director: Kathy Ruhf (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Access to land is one of the biggest challenges for beginning...

Access to Land for New England`s Beginning Farmers: Phase 3 [Final Report]

Award Amount: $599,197
Institution: Land For Good
Project Director: Jim Hafner (
Funding Opportunity: 2018 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Land access is a top challenge for beginning farmers (BFs);...

Addressing the Training Needs of Hispanic and Limited Resource Beginning Farmers in Nebraska [Final Report]

Award Amount: $381,726
Institution: Community Crops
Project Director: Ingrid Kirst (
Funding Opportunity: 2014 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Since 2015, this joint project between Community Crops and Center for...

Advancing Beginning Farmer and Rancher Viability by Expanding Our Effective Educational Strategies [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $750,000
Institution: Oregon State University
Project Director: Garry Stephenson (
Funding Opportunity: 2022 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Education Projects
The long-term goal of this project is to (a) support and...

Advancing Immigrants and Refugees Toward Farm Ownership and Building Learning Networks Thro [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $749,548
Institution: World Farmers Inc
Project Director: Maria Moreira (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The long-term goal of this three-year project and beyond is...

Advancing Next Generation Urban Farmers: Experiential Education, Mentoring, and Employment [Final Report]

Award Amount: $708,700
Institution: Planting Justice
Project Director: Gavin Raders (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
This Standard BFRDP project presents an innovative model to advance...

Advancing the Business of Farming in Connecticut in Partnership with Agriculture Learning Centers [Final Report]

Award Amount: $597,598
Institution: University of Connecticut
Project Director: Jiff Martin (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Our project was developed by and for small scale beginning...

Agroforestry Training For Native Hawaiians To Increase Economic Opportunity, Food Security And Cultural Connection [Final Report]

Award Amount: $598,170
Institution: Halau Kealaokamaile
Project Director: Fred Krauss (
Funding Opportunity: 2018 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
We increased the number and enhanced the success of Native...

Appalachian Beginning Forest Farmer Program: Growing Opportunities Beneath the Canopy [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $656,903
Institution: Virginia Tech University
Project Director: John Munsell (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Increasing demand for high- quality, herbal and nutraceutical products is improving...

Appalachian Resource Conservation and Development [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $407,995
Institution: Appalachian RC&D Council
Project Director: Susan McKinney (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Through the Field School Beginning Farmer Training Program, the Appalachian...

Aquaculture Boot Camp - 2: Enhancing the sustainability of new and limited resource aquaculture/aquaponic farmers with innovative training [Final Report]

Award Amount: $599,000
Institution: The Ohio State University
Project Director: HANPING WANG (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) is an extremely successful program. The...

Arcadia`s Veteran Farmer Program [Final Report]

Award Amount: $99,947
Institution: Arcadia Food, Inc.
Project Director: Matt Mulder (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Based in Fairfax County, Virginia, but pulling on expertise and...

Arcadia`s Veteran Farmer Program [Final Report]

Award Amount: $597,124
Institution: Arcadia Food, Inc.
Project Director: Matt Mulder (
Funding Opportunity: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Based in Fairfax County, Virginia, but pulling from expertise and farms...

Armed to Farm: Soldiering the Success of Military Veterans in New Poultry, Livestock and Agroforestry Enterprises [Final Report]

Award Amount: $749,720
Institution: University of Arkansas
Project Director: Dan Donoghue (
Funding Opportunity: 2014 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Farming offers a viable avenue for returning veterans to transition into...

Athens Land Trust Beginning Farmer Development Program [Final Report]

Award Amount: $298,893
Institution: Athens Land Trust
Project Director: Stephanie Simmons (
Funding Opportunity: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The goal of Athens Land Trust's Beginning Farmer Development Program...

Battle ground to Breaking Ground [Final Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: Texas A&M AgrLife Extension
Project Director: Rick Peterson (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The project’s overall goals were to increase the number and...

Battleground to Breaking Ground Expansion Project [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $750,000
Institution: Texas A&M Agrilife Extension
Project Director: Erin Kimbrough (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension's Battleground to Breaking Ground Expansion Program meets...

Beefing Up Livestock, Poultry and Agroforestry Enterprises for Military Veteran Farmers [Final Report]

Award Amount: $599,971
Institution: University of Arkansas
Project Director: Dan Donoghue (
Funding Opportunity: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Farming offers a viable avenue for veterans assimilating into...

beefSD: Enhancing knowledge and success of beginning beef producers through mentorship and training [Final Report]

Award Amount: $744,113
Institution: South Dakota State University
Project Director: Ken Olson (
Funding Opportunity: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
We addressed the primary goal of BFRDP “enhance food security,...

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Clearinghouse [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: CFFM - UMN
Project Director: Robert Craven (
Funding Opportunity: 2019 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The purpose of this project was to continue to develop...

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program [Final Report]

Award Amount: $49,995
Institution: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Project Director: Jessica Groskopf (
Funding Opportunity: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
This simplified standard grant was used to enhance the activities of...

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Clearinghouse [Final Report]

Award Amount: $1,000,000
Institution: University of Minnesota
Project Director: Robert Craven (
Funding Opportunity: 2014 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
This project has developed a Clearinghouse that will help beginning...

Beginning Farmer Business Management Resources [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: University of Minnesota, Center for Farm Financial Management
Project Director: Kevin Klair (
Funding Opportunity: 2018 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The purpose of this Educational Enhancement Team project is to...

Beginning Farmer Success: Farm Pathways to Long Term Land Tenure [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: Organic Growers School
Project Director: Cameron Farlow (
Funding Opportunity: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 2021 Awards

Beginning farmer training program for small to mid-scale horticulture farmers with less than ten years experience. [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $589,610
Institution: Louisiana State University AgCenter
Project Director: Carl Motsenbocker (
Funding Opportunity: 2018 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards

Beginning Farmer-Rancher Training Program: Hawaii Island [Final Report]

Award Amount: $564,000
Institution: The Kohala Center
Project Director: Melanie Willich (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
While Hawai‘i has abundant agricultural lands and a 12-month growing season,...

Beginning Farmers Georgia Agribusiness Incubator Network (B-GAIN) [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $250,000
Project Director: Tiffany Ray (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Our program creates a positive ecosystem promoting professional and financial...

Beyond Start Up: Building the Capacity of MA Beginning Farmers [Final Report]

Award Amount: $599,533
Institution: Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA)
Project Director: Kelly Coleman (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
This renewal Standard BFRDP project built upon a successful Development Grant...

Boots On the Ground: North Carolina's Veteran Farmer Apprenticeship [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $626,230
Project Director: Angel Cruz (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Farming and ranching offer a viable path for returning veterans...

Breaking Down Barriers to Maryland Beginning Farmer Success: Growing Local Mkts and Urban [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $491,950
Institution: University of Maryland Extension, Baltimore City Office
Project Director: Neith Little (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
This project is a collaboration of six Maryland organizations: University...

Bridging the Gap: Growing Veterans [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $749,979
Institution: Hoola Veteran Services
Project Director: Emily Emmons (
Funding Opportunity: 2021 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards

Building a Regional Coalition in the Heart of Appalachia to Enhance Beginning Farmer Education with Experience in the Field [Final Report]

Award Amount: $473,915
Institution: Appalachian Sustainable Development
Project Director: Kathlyn Baker (
Funding Opportunity: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
The project applicants represent a regional coalition joined across the...

Building Beginning Farmer Capacity and Sustainability through Outreach, Training, Mentorship & Land Access [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Institution: Grow Food DBA Viva Farms
Project Director: Michael Frazier (
Funding Opportunity: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 2021 Awards

Building Beginning Farmer Resilience through Hybrid Participatory Education, Urban-Rural Networks, Mentorship, and Incubation [Progress Report]

Award Amount: $593,462
Institution: Agroecology Commons
Project Director: Leah Atwood (
Funding Opportunity: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 2021 Awards

Building Entrepreneurial, Farm Management and Land Stewardship Capacity for South Carolina New and Beginning Farmers [Final Report]

Award Amount: $595,133
Institution: Clemson University
Project Director: Dave Lamie (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
As a collaboration of organizations, coordinated and led by Clemson...

Building Farm Foundations and Planning for Success: Beginning Farmer Training for Military Veterans in the Intermountain West. [Final Report]

Award Amount: $238,441
Institution: NCAT
Project Director: Tammy Howard (
Funding Opportunity: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Over the course of Building Farm Foundations and Planning for...