BFRDP Projects

The Beginning Farmer Support Collective is an effort to enhance the services provided to beginning farmers in King County by joining resources of three farmer training organizations and the County.
[Progress Report]

Award Amount: $597,846
Grant Program: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Project Director: Sarah Collier
Organization: Tilth Alliance

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Project Overview

The Beginning Farmer Support Collective has created an active network of beginning farmer training programs across King County, Washington that provides new farmers with education, technical assistance and support on a variety of issues, and guidance to find affordable land to initiate and continue farming. This year, efforts have increased through participation in the Working Farmland Partnership with public and nonprofit entities, to develop innovative ways to get formerly farmable land back into production as well as to purchase land to preserve acreage in agricultural use. Work has also been done on creating a working document on Starting Farming in King County that consolidates information for interested future farmers to explore everything from farm business to finding capital. The partners, Tilth Alliance, SnoValley Tilth and Viva Farms King County have partnered with King County to strengthen individual training programs by sharing common best practices as well as promoting continuing education workshops, farm walks and demonstrations for community farmers. The launch of Farm Practice Intensives on weed management and greenhouse management are also fostering peer-to peer instruction, mentoring relationships, and improved practices among local networks of small farmers. The developing momentum from this year’s combined endeavors is contributing to an ultimate vision where King County, home to a more than $6 billion food and beverage market, will be a place where small farms can thrive, and where beginning farmers are supported from their initial interest in farming to when they become independent operators of economically viable farms. Workshops, networking events, and web resources on are providing beginning farmers and land owners with tools, education and technical assistance to increase land access and facilitate future land transfers. The coordinated efforts will continue next year to extend and expand education, training, and sustainable practices to reach more new farmers.

Number of Participants: 55


Promotional Materials

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