BFRDP Projects

Enhancing Opportunities in Agriculture For New American Farmers: Creating An Apprenticeship And Supporting Community Farming In Houston, TX
[Progress Report]

Award Amount: $748,534
Grant Program: 2023 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Education Projects
Project Director: Rachel Lockhart Folkerts
Organization: Plant It Forward

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Project Overview

The overall goal of Plant It Forward (PIF)’s proposed project is to provide new American beginning farmers and ranchers (BFRs) with opportunities for learning and skill development which in turn leads to the creation and growth of profitable, environmentally sustainable, and independent small farm businesses. 
The project objectives are to: (1) enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of new American BFRs, particularly those in the start-up phase, in business management and vegetable production; (2) create a first-of-its-kind apprenticeship program for new American farmers in order to support skill development while simultaneously creating an integrated, inclusive farming community; (3) increase adoption of regenerative, organic, and climate-smart practices; (4) prepare beginning farmers to respond and adapt to climate change by providing training and technical assistance related to disaster preparedness and recovery; and (5) develop diverse, equitable, and inclusive communities of practice that, in the long-term, foster new business opportunities for BFRs. 
PIF will accomplish this through the implementation of five (5) main project activities, including: (1) developing and delivering a series of Short Courses on agribusiness and environmental sustainability topics; (2) creating a new Apprenticeship Program; (3) providing technical assistance, particularly related to business development; (4) conducting demonstrations and field days; and (5) hosting an annual New American Farmer Conference. 
To date, the project has served 37 unique BFRs, >95% from refugee/immigrant and socially disadvantaged backgrounds. As a result of project activities in year 1, 1 new farming enterprise has been established, and two farmers gained access to two new market channels. 

Number of Participants: 31


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