Project Overview
Land Access is a fundamental, often insurmountable, challenge in our food system that
prevents new and beginning farmers from achieving viable careers in agriculture. This challenge
pervades Colorado, but is particularly stark for rural, under-resourced, socially disadvantaged,
and veteran communities. This project seeks to build on Guidestone’s vibrant, statewide, Land
Link program by tapping into regional land trusts to create a more robust network of land access
opportunities while simultaneously working with expert partners to reach, educate, support, and
elevate underserved beginning farmers and ranchers around the state. We aim to concretely
benefit new and beginning farmers and ranchers by (1) improving the reach, quality and
accessibility of our educational resources, (2) working closely with agricultural landowners to build
opportunities, (3) hosting a variety of audience-tailored land access workshops with our partners,
and (4) elevating the stories, needs, and experiences of new and underserved producers by
creating space for them to deliver presentation and workshops to the agriculture community. We
believe that this project capitalizes on the momentum and synergy of the land access work being
done in Colorado, and will help to crystalize a robust and equitable agricultural future in our
Number of Participants: 0
Promotional Materials
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
Educational Materials
There are no educational materials available for this project.
Reports & Evaluations
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.
Describe any unexpected results of the project:
How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?
What were the keys to success for your participants?
Individual Stories / Examples of Success