BFRDP Projects

Creating and Sustaining New Agrarians in the West: apprenticeship, training, and technical assistance for beginning ranchers and farmers on large-acreage operations
[Progress Report]

Award Amount: $748,733
Grant Program: 2023 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Education Projects
Project Director: Leah Ricci
Organization: Quivira Coalition

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  • Overview
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  • Comments

Project Overview

Beginning ranchers and farmers in the West face unique challenges and barriers to entry. Due to the aridity of the West, large
acreages are required for operations to be financially and ecologically sustainable. Many incubation and land-access models
employed by smaller scale operations elsewhere are impractical in the arid West. This project builds upon Quivira's successful
New Agrarian apprenticeship program and provides an entry point into large-acreage ranching and farming in the West through
apprenticeships; as well as trainings and technical assistance that will increase the success of beginning ranchers and farmers
in years 2-10 of their careers. These individuals need access to marketing, financial, and risk management training; business
and entrepreneurship models that work on large-acreage operations; and tools to help them sustainably access and manage
large acreages of land amidst a changing climate. During the first year of the project, we: 1) increased the number of
individuals entering careers on large acreage ranches and farms in the West; 2) improved the success of beginning ranchers and
farmers in the West through entrepreneurship, business, financial, and risk management training and technical assistance; 3)
increased this group's resilience against climate change through conservation practices; and 4) ensured that beginning ranchers
and farmers in the West are connected with the resources, career opportunities, and technical assistance necessary to their
success. Through apprenticeships, trainings, and one-on-one technical assistance, we have created 39 new beginning
ranchers and farmers and will increase the success of over 145 beginning ranchers and farmers.

Number of Participants: 229


Promotional Materials

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Educational Materials

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Reports & Evaluations

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Delivery Area

Describe any unexpected results of the project:

How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?

What were the keys to success for your participants?

Individual Stories / Examples of Success