BFRDP Projects

La Cosecha (the Harvest): Increasing the sustainability of first and next generation Latino farmers
[Final Report]

Award Amount: $600,000
Grant Program: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Project Director: David Mota-Sanchez
Organization: Michigan State University


  • Overview
  • Results
  • Materials
  • Delivery Area
  • Comments

Project Overview

 La Cosecha, a Spanish word for harvest, provided training for first and next generation socially disadvantaged Latino farmers so they can become successful farmers in specialty crop production, and crop diversification. The programming was very useful for beginning Latino farmers, farm laborers, their children, and interested Latinos with non-farming backgrounds. During three years a series of workshops (16) to train farmers were offered including: 1) IPM and production (145 farmers), 2) Access to USDA programs (25), 3) Vegetable crops (111), 4) 4-H introducing Latino youth to agriculture and related activities (505), 5) Pesticide education (81), 6) information of the program to farmworkers (2,893), 7) Pesticide certification credits (354), and 8) GAPs and business and marketing (123). Thirty-one farmers obtained the pesticide certification, 142 visits were performed to field farms to address issues related to crop production, 50 field demonstrations were performed by our outreach specialist on crop production, 30 farmers were provided information on irrigation systems.  In addition, communication via text messages and phone calls were performed. Survey instruments to evaluate the impact of the program were designed and performed too. Educational materials from MSU Extension were provided.   We established a successful bi-cultural and bio-linguistic program for Latino farmers with different levels of knowledge and skills. Currently, one of the main issues for many farmers is the variable price of the blueberries in the market. In addition, lack of labor to harvest the fruits in the past few years and this year has been a limiting factor in the business operations. We believe that La Cosecha program and other similar programs in the nation face the same dilemma: despite the success in training beginning farmers the ability to have a long-term impact is limited due to the relatively short term of the project.   

Number of Participants: 4698


Promotional Materials

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Educational Materials

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Reports & Evaluations

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Delivery Area

Describe any unexpected results of the project:

How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?

What were the keys to success for your participants?

Individual Stories / Examples of Success