BFRDP Projects

Farmer-to-Farmer Mentoring for Beginning, Immigrant, & Refugee Farmers in Crop  Production & Marketing Using the Existing Thirty Year Old Fl
[Final Report]

Award Amount: $711,000
Grant Program: 2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Project Director: Maria Moreira
Organization: World Farmers


  • Overview
  • Results
  • Materials
  • Delivery Area
  • Comments

Project Overview

The long-term goal of this three-year Collaborative project is to increase the agricultural production capacity of beginning, immigrant, and refugee farmers via farmer-to-farmer mentoring, training and technical assistance on aspects of crop production and marketing necessary to operate successful sustainable farming enterprises, increase farm ownership rates, and promote environmental stewardship. The target audience for this project is the 250+ beginning, immigrant, and refugee farmers who farm at Flats Mentor Farm in Lancaster MA.

World Farmers is partnering with UMass Extension, Growing Places, Nashoba Regional High School, Lancaster Agriculture Commission, Lancaster Community Center, and Rural Coalition to achieve the objectives in this project. Through these partners’ support, World Farmers has been able to do the following: Provide technical assistance to beginning farmers according to their level of capacity at Flats Mentor Farm; Educate on pest identification and effective organic pest management; Support in soil health rejuvenation; Implement food safety protocols according to Commonwealth Quality; Cultivate innovative marketing strategies; Provide tools and develop skills on financial and risk management; Expand the Farmer-to-Farmer Flats Mentoring model; Embrace the energy of high school youth through an internship program; Assist farmers at the farmers’ markets; Familiarize farmers with USDA programs. 

Number of Participants: 300


Promotional Materials

There are no promotional materials available for this project.

Educational Materials

There are no educational materials available for this project.

Reports & Evaluations

There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.

Delivery Area

Describe any unexpected results of the project:

How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?

What were the keys to success for your participants?

Individual Stories / Examples of Success