BFRDP Projects

Initiating the Paso Del Norte Immigrant Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Network
[Final Report]

Award Amount: $541,950
Grant Program: 2016 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Project Director: Rigoberto Delgado
Organization: National Immigrant Farming Initiative Inc. Regional Office


  • Overview
  • Results
  • Materials
  • Delivery Area
  • Comments

Project Overview

Project accomplishments and impacts generated in this second year of the program:
After last year BFRVSC (Beginning Farmer Rancher and Veteran Southwest Coalition) the need of training that focus on veterans was contemplated since El Paso, Texas is home of Fort Bliss where they received approximate 100 deployed veterans every month; NIFI partner with El Paso Verde a small scale hydroponic farm own by a veteran and created VFI (Veteran Farming Initiative) with a Sustainable Agriculture course designed to introduce military veterans and family members to the many areas of interest within agriculture. It is a two-week course offered four times this year, where participants explore career opportunities, tour and work at local farms and learn about different programs designed to assist beginning farmers and ranchers. September 11- 20 was our first completed course with four veteran participants.
Two producer groups were created Chaparral Diversity Growers Associationwith producers from New Mexico; and“Vecinos Unidos”form with producers ofClint, Texas.
During this secondyear of theproject: 145gained important knowledge at events or workshops, beginning farmers, ranchers and veterans learn about NRCS and FSA programs; 25improved their production practices;27 Veterans received support.

Project accomplishments and impacts generated in this third year of the project “Initiating the Paso Del Norte Immigrant Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Network”
NIFI continued partnering with El Paso Verde a small-scale hydroponic farm own by a veteran and VFI (Veteran Farming Initiative) continued with two more courses graduating 21 Veterans in Sustainable Agriculture. Each of them completed over 20 hours of classroom work, field labor and observation, and prepared their own business plan. Along the way, they made connections with each other, industry leaders, technical contacts, and potential customers. NIFI also made available on-going workshops and network forums to connect. A mobile app workshop was hosted just recently this summer to provide more support to budding businesses in our community. 
Where once, veterans wishing to pursue work with their hands in a non-traditional sense now feel connected to their land, the environment, and their community using Agro-prenuer skills and knowledge they received through VFI program. 
In addition to the positive impacts of the participants, we have bolstered good will among the El Paso community as well. Many Veteran-Service-Organizations in West Texas and Southern New Mexico now recognize us as an official training program for veterans. We are listed in the biannually published directory from the City of El Paso Veterans One Stop Office. We continue to receive regular inquiries about the program and many offices are interested in placing more of their consumers in our next trainings. The need still remains. 

Two producer groups were created “Desert Growers” with producers from Chaparral, New Mexico; and “Patas Verdes” from Socorro, Texas.

Outputs in knowledge gains and actions as follows:
#Farmers beginning their own independent farm enterprises = 29
#Farmers starting up with the intent to purchase their own farm operations = 40
#Farmers receiving entry-level production support such as seeds, seedlings, row cover, drip tape or other related training and supplies = 21
#Farmers improving production practices = 29
#Farmers accessing new markets = 12
#Farmers integrating new financial risk management practices = 9
#Farmers accessing credit = 3
#Farmers having new information on how to access land = 80
#Farmers accessing additional land during the project period = 5
#Farmers with new knowledge on improving soil quality = 156
#Farmers with new knowledge on cover cropping = 106
#Farmers with new knowledge on conserving water = 106
#Farmers with improved yields = 29
#Farmers adopting current best agriculture practices of which they had no prior knowledge = 12

During this third year of the project: 156 gained important knowledge at events or workshops, beginning farmers, ranchers and veterans learn about NRCS and FSA programs; 29 improved their production practices; 21 Veterans received support.

Number of Participants: 156


Promotional Materials

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Educational Materials

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Reports & Evaluations

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Delivery Area

Describe any unexpected results of the project:

How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?

What were the keys to success for your participants?

Individual Stories / Examples of Success