BFRDP Projects

From Training to Sustaining How Beginning Refugee Farmers Build Successful Farm Enterprises
[Progress Report]

Award Amount: $500,000
Grant Program: 2022 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Education Projects
Project Director: Ben Brock
Organization: Jannus, Inc. Attn: Global Gardens


  • Overview
  • Results
  • Materials
  • Delivery Area
  • Comments

Project Overview

Global Gardens is a land-based agriculture training program in Boise, Idaho. It is a program of the Idaho Office of Refugees and Jannus, Inc. The project provides land, water, and infrastructure at five farm sites, with a total of 12 acres. Many refugees coming from agricultural economies in Central Africa and other countries face obstacles to full inclusion in Idaho’s food economy due to limited language, lack of land and assets, limited education and often, low-wage off-farm jobs.

Land access is a primary goal of this project.  If refugee farmers don’t have equitable access to farmland, they won’t find inclusion in the local food economy. Through the years building relationships with the City, churches, government agencies and businesses has resulted in land for new farmers. This year we added 1, 1/2 acre plot and are in conversation with a church about access to up to 1 additional acre of land.             

To increase farm success, staff provide agricultural, market and business training.  Producer-to-consumer access includes CSAs, farmers markets, and Food Hub Wholesale. This year we went from 11 to 18 wholesale partners.

Climate change is threatening the world and Idaho is facing drought. Through the installation of a climate- smart WiFi irrigation clock we increased our watering efficiency and significantly reduced the need to drive to the site to adjust watering schedules. We have decreased food waste through efficient wholesale processes, and by partnering with the Idaho Food Bank and City of Good to distribute unsold farmers market produce to area food pantries. Approximately 20,000lbs of produce has been diverted from the compost.

Sustainable farm enterprises contribute to the well-being of refugee families, while farmers bring diversity to the agriculture economy in Idaho. Refugee farmers will continue to change Boise’s ecosystem with climate resilient farming, water conservation and food waste reduction.

Number of Participants: 18


Promotional Materials

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Educational Materials

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Reports & Evaluations

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Delivery Area

Describe any unexpected results of the project:

How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?

What were the keys to success for your participants?

Individual Stories / Examples of Success