BFRDP Projects

Groundtruthing Farm Viability: Providing a Continuum of Advice, Support, Education and Outreach to Create Long-Term Sustainability for Beginning Farmers
[Final Report]

Award Amount: $577,965
Grant Program: 2017 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Awards
Project Director: Greg Van Den Berghe
Organization: Practical Farmers of Iowa


  • Overview
  • Results
  • Materials
  • Delivery Area
  • Comments

Project Overview

The long-term goal of this project is to help beginning farmers enter, establish, build and manage successful farms, thereby increasing the diversity and sustainability of farms, access to healthy food, and vibrancy of communities in Iowa and Nebraska. Goals by the end of this grant: Help 1,310 beginning farmers develop the knowledge, skills and tools needed to create viable businesses by providing them farmer-to-farmer education, mentoring, technical assistance, network building and outreach. Throughout this grant project, 205 farmers have reported they were able to start farming and 579 reported they were able to improve their farm businesses as a result of grant activities. Our supporting objectives are to increase beginning farmers' knowledge and skills through: 1) Education, advice, support and outreach to 365 aspiring farmers; 12 aspiring farmers start farming by end of grant; 2) Education, advice, support and outreach to 525 farmers who have been farming 0-5 years; 315 will continue and improve farm businesses; 3) Education, advice, support and outreach to 420 farmers who have been farming 6-10 years; 14 continue and improve farm businesses; 4) Outreach to 200,000 people with information about the opportunities and challenges beginning farmers face. Practical Farmers of Iowa is uniquely positioned to achieve this ambitious project.

Number of Participants: 484


Promotional Materials

There are no promotional materials available for this project.

Educational Materials

There are no educational materials available for this project.

Reports & Evaluations

There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.

Delivery Area

Describe any unexpected results of the project:

How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?

What were the keys to success for your participants?

Individual Stories / Examples of Success