BFRDP Projects

Expanding trainer skills and visual-based resources for refugee and other beginning farmer incubators
[Progress Report]

Award Amount: $799,742
Grant Program: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Educational Team
Project Director: Hugh Joseph
Organization: ISED Solutions / TSNE MIssionworks


  • Overview
  • Results
  • Materials
  • Delivery Area
  • Comments

Project Overview

Project core objectives have been to implement a nationwide community of practice (CoP), expand visually-based content for T&TA providers, and develop trainers’ skills in adult education and T&TA delivery through training-of-trainers. Core activities have included peer-to-peer engagements through CoPs for incubator farm staff, expansion and dissemination of visually-based farmer education content, and skills development through training-of-trainers.   
            These activities result in ongoing networking and collaboration through CoP networks.  Also,, 40+ farm incubator programs nationwide will be downloading and utilizing training resources. Seven refugee farming incubators and 30+ staff improving T&TA content and delivery, and 600 to 1200 beginning farmers receive improved T&TA. They thus expand their knowledge of farming and improve farm business outcomes. These resources will also be widely distributed to reach other beginning farmer incubators and help thousands of other beginning farmers.
            Due to COVID19, additional funding support has been provided to all partners to make up for the uncompensated time and effort put in due to the limitations of COVID19 and the greater workload they shoulder producing high quality T&TA materials. Funds are being used for a one-year extension to allow time to complete the new content development, pilot it with farmers. and post it on a new ISED website.

Other collaborating institutions/organizations: ISED will collaborate with the following programs: (1) Major partner: International Rescue Committee (IRC) - US National office – NYC; 2 IRC local programs: Tucson, AZ;  Charlottesville, VA; Catholic Charities of Northern Kansas, Kansas City, KS; Lutheran Services of Iowa, Des Moines, IA.

Percent of total federal funds requested that are allocated to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and school-based agricultural educational organizations (SAEOs): 100%

This project serves 100% socially disadvantaged, limited-resource refugee participants. All funds are allocated to NGOs or individual consultants.

Number of Participants: 37


Promotional Materials

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Educational Materials

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Reports & Evaluations

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Delivery Area

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Individual Stories / Examples of Success