Project Overview
The overarching goals of the Regional Resilience: An Integrated Approach to New Farmer Training in the Chesapeake project are to: strengthen and diversify the new farmer pipeline across the Chesapeake region, build and connect a well-trained beginning farmer workforce, and support the long-term viability of new farm businesses. We are accomplishing these goals by: 1) strengthening collaboration and coordination amongst beginning farmer service providers in the region; 2) creating an integrated set of in-person and online farmer-to-farmer gatherings across the region; 3) creating accessible beginning farmer programs—both on-farm and online—to diversify the region’s new farmer pipeline, enabling socially disadvantaged, limited resource, and veteran farmers to pursue farming; and 4) strengthening support for beginning farmers who already own or manage a farm. The need for an integrated, nimble, region-wide approach is clearer than ever, as our organizations work together to support new farmers—with a focus on socially disadvantaged farmers—through the COVID-19 crisis and the massive changes to regional markets it has wrought.
Number of Participants: 634
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Describe any unexpected results of the project:
How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?
What were the keys to success for your participants?
Individual Stories / Examples of Success