BFRDP Projects

Regional Farmer-led Education and Training Hubs for Building Resiliency and Viable Farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin
[Progress Report]

Award Amount: $516,548
Grant Program: 2020 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program 2021 Awards
Project Director: Karen Stettler
Organization: Land Stewardship Project

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Project Overview

Land Stewardship Project (LSP) project entitled Regional Farmer-led Education and Training Hubs for Building Resiliency and Viable Farms in Minnesota and Wisconsin is responding to the emerging needs of farmers in four distinct geographic service regions of Minnesota and Wisconsin, and uses partnerships to provide relevant education, mentoring, and technical assistance to beginning farmers with diverse needs.
The long-term goals of this project are to: 1) Offer proven beginning farmer training programs for varying levels of farming experience, with enhanced, farmer-informed curricula; 2) Develop two new farmer-led training hubs to increase resiliency of beginning farmers with 5-10 years’ experience; and 3) Collaborate with Red Lake Nation to develop a new curriculum and build community capacity to support socially-disadvantaged beginning farmers. Since September 2021 LSP has trained 91 beginning farmers through both in-person and online sessions of the Farm Beginnings course. The Farm Beginnings team delivered 2,533 participant hours of training with 168 beginning farmers. Collaborating partners for this project are: UMN Extension; Cultivating Resilience, LLC; established farmer-leaders from across the region; the 4 Directions Development (4DD) corporation and of the Red Lake Nation.
This collaborative project is led by LSP, a nonprofit community-based organization with more than 25 years of experience developing farmer-informed and farmer-led programming to support beginning farmers. LSP’s grassroots model makes the farmer’s voice the primary source of information for all programs and services offered and has resulted in a set of unique and successful farmer training programs, some of which have been replicated across the country, such as the Farm Beginnings program. LSP’s farmer-led and community-based approach leads to ongoing innovation in how we engage and support beginning farmers, as the changing needs of farmers dictate the curricula and delivery models of our programs. 

Number of Participants: 168


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