Project Overview
Healing through Hives centered the needs of Veterans establishing apiaries across Western Washington. Garden-Raised Bounty (GRuB) joined forces with the Washington Beekeepers Association (WASBA), and the Washington Farmer Veteran Coalition (WA-FVC) to create a robust network of resources, community support, and educational opportunities to support these beginning farmers and beekeepers. By the end of 2023, we have:
1) Supported 59 Military Veterans or other socially disadvantaged individuals to receive beekeeping training/support resulting in 59 certifications.
2) Established two Community Apiaries as training, networking, and enterprise sites so 50+ Veterans or other socially disadvantaged individuals grew their access to resources as beginning beekeepers.
3) Built a Veteran mentoring program that supported 20 beginning beekeepers in meeting their agricultural enterprise goals.
These efforts provided pathways, networks, and relationships to support a new generation of Veteran beekeepers.
Number of Participants: 79
Promotional Materials
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Educational Materials
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Reports & Evaluations
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How would you improve the project if you were to do it again?
What were the keys to success for your participants?
Individual Stories / Examples of Success